Multiple Suspension Procedure
When a Player is issued a penalty that results in a fourth ( 4th ) suspension, the following procedure will take place:
The player must download the CMHA Multiple Suspension Report Form from the FORMS section of the web site.
The player needs to complete Section A of the form with comments about their first three suspensions. The player will be expected to talk about the fourth suspension at their Multiple Suspension- Disciplinary Meeting.
The player must get their coach to complete Part B: Coach’s comments on their form.
The completed form is to be delivered or mailed to the CMHA mailbox.
Once the form has been received, a meeting will be called with the Multiple Suspension- Discipline Committee, the player and a parent/ guardian all in attendance. Please note that there will be a time lag between the receipt of the completed form and the date of the meeting. During this time the offending player is suspended even if the OMHA suspension has been completed. No games can be played pending the outcome of the Multiple Suspension- Disciplinary Meeting.
After the Discipline Meeting there can several consequences.
The committee may issue a verbal warning to the player.
The committee may add games to the OMHA suspension.
A combination of the above consequences.
Needless to say the purpose of this procedure is to have the player recognize his/ her behavior and stop making poor choices. Unfortunately, not all players will do this.
For fifth or further suspensions:
The player is suspended from play immediately until another Multiple Suspension- Discipline Meeting is scheduled.
The Multiple Suspension- Discipline Meeting will be called at a cost of fifty dollars ($50) to the player, paid by cheque to CMHA or cash before the meeting starts.
Consequences could include those listed above or suspension from the CMHA.
If unacceptable behavior such as foul language or disrespect for the process is displayed at any time by the player or the parent/ guardian during this procedure, the meeting can and will be cancelled. The player will remain suspended until a new Multiple Suspension- Discipline Meeting can be re- scheduled.
Any non- compliance or failure to adhere to the above process and subsequent outcome, by any of the stakeholders; player(s), coaching staff, parent(s) and/ or guardian(s) will be addressed in accordance with our standard Discipline Procedure and Code of Conduct guidelines.
Composition of Multiple Suspension- Discipline Committee
The Multiple Suspension Discipline Committee will be chaired by a Member of the Board of the Collingwood Minor Hockey Association.
The Chair conducts the meeting and reports the results back to the CMHA board.
The committee will consist of three members in addition to the CMHA Board member.
Committee members are selected from a pool of candidates who are at arm’s length to the CMHA, who have been screened and approved of by the Risk Management Chair of the CMHA.
Committee members listen to the player and parent and/ or guardian as well as possibly ask questions of both.
Once the player and parent/ guardian have spoken, they will be asked to leave. The committee will discuss the case and levy any additional penalties if necessary.
The results of the Committee’s discussion, including further consequences, will be noted by the meeting Chair and reported to the Chair of Risk Management.
The Chair of Risk Management will inform the player and parent and/ or guardian of the Committee’s decision within 48 hours as well as the CMHA Board at the next meeting.