Jan 20, 2014 | chammond | 1559 views
Mid season update
Hello Parents,
I hope that you are all enjoying watching your children as they steadily improve over the course of the season. I have definitely noticed improvements in each child as the season has gone on and most importantly I see lots of smiling faces on the ice and in the dressing rooms every time.
We have finalized the format and dates for our end of season playoff tournament. This year it will take place on March 22nd and 23rd. The format will be a round robin so each team will play all teams 1 time. Each team will play twice on Saturday and once on Sunday. The games will all be in the morning and the final schedule will be determined at the end of the regular season, so the schedule on the website will change a bit at that time.
I've had a lot of fun helping organize and coaching in the Novice House League this year. If you have any feedback on how we can improve things for the future please do not hesitate to contact me because I'm interested to hear many points of view on how things are running.
Craig Hammond