Coaches Volunteer Application 2025-2026 (Collingwood Minor Hockey)

Coaches Volunteer Application 2025-2026
Individuals interested in coaching a Representative or House League team for the 2025-26 season must complete the application. All representative Head Coach applications need to be in by Friday, February 28, 2025. Please also email [email protected] and advise the application has been completed.

Volunteer Information

In order to complete the Coaching Application this information is required.

Team Selection

An application must be filled out for every team you apply for.

Previous Coaching Experience

Pleas provide details of previous coaching experiences starting with the most current position you have held.

Certification Training

Please advised when certification was obtained

Coaching Aspiration

Please provide details of your coaching goals, areas in which you consider yourself to have strengths and areas in which you feel you require improvement.

Please check appropriate Responses

Please check the appropriate responses

Auto Reply Email Address

To receive a confirmation of your application submission please provide a valid email address

I understand that completing a Coaching Application with the Collingwood Minor Hockey Association does not ultimately guarantee me a coaching position with the Collingwood Minor Hockey Association.

I hereby certify the above information to be true and correct.

I hereby authorize Collingwood Minor Hockey (CMHA) to conduct any investigation deemed necessary to verify my credentials and qualifications. I further agree to abide by the Association' Code of Conduct, Policies and Bylaws  and the associations Coaches Code of Conduct.

I agree to provide a venerable sector check to CMHA and I understand that I may be removed as a coach/team official if the vulnerable sector check is not received by our Risk Management and Safety Discipline Director by August 31 of the current hockey 