Multi Use Recreational Facility and CSRA, News (Collingwood Minor Hockey)

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Jan 22, 2024 | David Epp | 546 views
Multi Use Recreational Facility and CSRA
To support moving forward with a multi-use recreation facility, our Club is represented, along with other Collingwood youth-centered, non-profit organizations, as the Collingwood Sport & Recreation Alliance. We need everyone in our community to be informed, and to join the collective effort to encourage our Town to push forward with planning and development.

In this regard, we ask that you:
1.     Visit the Collingwood Sport & Recreation Alliance website
2.     Complete and submit the survey, linked to that website.
3.     Share this message with as many local people as you can.

This is a vital first step in establishing the initial support for a multi-use recreation facility and ensuring that Collingwood sports organizations can provide a unified and united voice to help guide the process. Please follow-through as soon as possible so that we can report back in the near future.

Dave Epp, President

Collingwood Minor Hockey 
