Georgian Bay Playoffs update !!, News (Collingwood Minor Hockey)

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Mar 11, 2023 | David Epp | 280 views
Georgian Bay Playoffs update !!
Congrats to the following teams advancing as of the March Break...

4 of our 9 teams have advanced to the Championship Games, and regardless all of our teams had strong seasons - way to go Blues!

U11 - Group A - BLUES1 advanced to CHAMPIONSHIP GAME
         Group B - BLUES2 advanced to CHAMPIONSHIP GAME

U13 - Group B - BLUES2 advanced to CHAMPIONSHIP GAME
         Group B - BLUES1 advanced to CONSOLATION GAME
         Group D - BLUES3 advanced to CHAMPIONSHIP GAME

U15 - Group A - BLUES1 advanced to CONSOLATION GAME
         Group A - BLUES2 did not advance

U18 - Group A - BLUES1 advanced to CONSOLATION GAME
         Group A - BLUES2 did not advance
