Congratulations, News (Collingwood Minor Hockey)

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Mar 08, 2023 | Nancy Bain | 296 views
Mike Hammond Champs 2023!!

The Collingwood U13 LL2 team went undefeated this past weekend to take home the 2023 Mike Hammond Memorial Championship, hosted by Georgian Shores minor hockey.

The team worked extremely hard all weekend and came out on top with a perfect score!

The U13's swept the tournament winning 12-2, 6-3, and 7-3 in the round robin and continuing with a 6-2 victory in semis over Georgian Shores LL2.

In the final, the Blues were crowned champions winning 8-1 over the Hanover Falcons.

The coaches are very proud of this group and how they handled adversity, choosing to rise above it with a never quit attitude! 

Thank you to Coach Scott Hewlitt and all of the volunteers for a fantastic weekend!

Special thanks to the parents who showed their colours in the stands cheering this team on. 

Go Blues! 
The Legion Collingwood