CMHA Scheduling & Ice Surfaces - Please Read., News (Collingwood Minor Hockey)

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Nov 09, 2022 | David Epp | 554 views
CMHA Scheduling & Ice Surfaces - Please Read.

Please be patient over next few weeks as our Ice Scheduler adjusts practice dates and times to try to provide consistent and efficient ice sessions to all teams.  We are still on track for Rep teams getting 6 practices per month and Local teams 4 practices per month.  Some will need to be shared/split in order to optimize ice times.

Due to our traditional and highly popular Huronia and SilverStick tournaments, the ice time has had to be adjusted to accommodate for the tournament scheduling.  THIS IS NO DIFFERENT THAN OTHER YEARS.  This will self correct and you will see more ice sessions opening up after the Regional SilverStick.

You will see a schedule coming out shortly that will indicate ice sessions up to January 15th and this is always subject to change due to game availability and scheduling as it takes precedence.  The New Year always seems to open up more practice time as winter sets in and teams typically front load more games earlier in the season.

Please understand that a regular practice time is difficult to manage with our number of teams and our ice contract with the Town of Collingwood.  Practices need to rotate for the most part especially when most teams desire more than 1 practice per week.  We did acquire 10 extra hours ice this year to accommodate more games being in YSMHL but there is only so much ice available.

Also note that CMHA registration is increased in general up this year, from others.  THIS IS WHAT WE WANT - growth and development in the sport.  Especially when we are observing an overall decline in hockey registration in smaller centres across Ontario.  What comes with the growth is a need for more teams and demand for more ice.  This is beyond the control of CMHA.

Coaches... Please be careful about special requests for alterations to the schedule as they have compounding effect on the totality of scheduling with ALL the teams.  This can impact the overall group.

With regards to practices in Thornbury, this is ice secured for teams to rotate into and is intended to be the extra 0.5/week practice time.  The older age groups will generally be rotating into these and also may some shared Local teams on predictive attendance numbers especially due to the wide ice surface there.

Keep in mind our Ice Scheduler is doing her best with the options presented.  We cannot give 20+ teams primetime ice each week and still account for home games.  Lately we have used the 7am and 4pm time slots to provide development skates since almost all coaches have declined using that ice time.  If this has changed, then please indicate to myself if you are interested for future planning.

With the shortage of ice within the Town of Collingwood, if you would like to support the movement towards working for a twin or triple ice pad, and ultimately a MURF - Multi Use Rec Facility - then please show your support by writing a letter to that extent.  This can be submitted to myself as I will be keeping a file on Letters of Intent to present to the TOC.  Write to [email protected]  The more evidence from users indicating desire for more ice time only supports the 2019 TOC Feasibility study.   When writing your letter, please include your concerns, rationale, and suggested solution.  If you wish to contact the TOC directly - Parks and Rec Director - Dean Collver, that is an option as well.

Best, Dave Epp, President CMHA
