Oct 23, 2022 | David Epp | 443 views
Huronia Tournament coming up quick !
The Classic Huronia is coming up quick and the Tourney was in high demand this year. Thanks first and foremost to Rob Holroyd chairing this tournament and making it happen.
Since changing to an "A" MINOR tournament, Huronia will display quite a few new centres to Collingwood. Many centres reached out to Collingwood to play but was capped at 36 team tournament total.
Please check out our Website and Huronia TShirts and Hoodies with the Vintage faded look and reasonably priced for all. The tees will also be sold at Eddie Bush arena for the the Friday Saturday games.
Securing Referees for all our games continues to be a challenge but we managed to fill all the spots and our games will be balanced between Collingwood Thornbury and Stayner.
We are almost there to reaching both of our two premier tournaments for the year, with the new "A" Regional Silverstick and Regional LOCAL SilverStick following shortly. Please stay tuned for updates as the schedule is released.
Best, Dave Epp