Jun 21, 2022 | David Epp | 447 views
CMHA 2022 SilverStick "A" Tournament
I am proud to announce that Collingwood Minor Hockey is hosting the SilverStick Regional "A" tournament this year !!
Since the elimination of the AE category from OMHA and subsequently SilverStick, CMHA met with Organizers and was granted the sanction for Regional A tournament - Major age divisions. CMHA Minor age divisions are encouraged to register for the Owen Sound Regional minor "A" tournament.
The SilverStick dates this year will be the following:
REP November 18,19,20
HL/LL in Dec 9,10,11
Please go to the CMHA home page, top menu to SilverStick link for ongoing details.
Dave Epp
President, CMHA