Base Category A / B SURVEY coming shortly, News (Collingwood Minor Hockey)

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Apr 18, 2022 | David Epp | 833 views
Base Category A / B SURVEY coming shortly
Hi Members,

Please be on the look out for the OMHA - CMHA "Base Category" survey which is being sent to registered members emails.  NOTE:  it will be sent to the email you provided when you signed your child up.  The purpose of the survey is to gain your feedback on decision to go 'A' or 'B' level hockey or defer for a year.   There is also a link with a Q&A, the new OMHA categorization, and an A-B Comparison Table.  This is all available direct from the CMHA website as well.  The survey has a 5 minute completion timeline and will be available until Friday April 22nd.  Thank you for your anticipated participation!


Dave Epp
President, CMHA
