Mar 08, 2022 | Nancy Bain | 1506 views
Collingwood Minor Hockey Moving to an A Centre
Collingwood Minor Hockey Association has always strived to have our players compete at the highest level possible.
In late January CMHA was notified that the OMHA was updating the various divisions and that CMHA would be moving from a BB Center down to a B Center. At the February Board meeting a motion was put forward to apply to become an A Center this motion was passed, and a letter of request was submitted to the OMHA. The OMHA accepted our request and on March 5th the OMHA voted to accept CMHA as an A Center.
What does this mean for Collingwood Hockey? There are many questions that everyone will have, and in Mid-April during a town hall meeting the committee will be able to answer many if not all of those questions.
Exciting times await Collingwood Minor Hockey, good luck to all the teams during the playoffs.
If you would like to submit a question or concern to be addressed at the April Town Hall meeting please send to [email protected]