Minor Hockey starting back January 31 !!!, News (Collingwood Minor Hockey)

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Jan 26, 2022 | David Epp | 611 views
Minor Hockey starting back January 31 !!!

I would like to follow up on Province of Ontario news re activities opening up and what it looks like for minor hockey. 

As of January 31st, minor hockey in Collingwood will be starting up again.  Please check with your coaches and website schedules to confirm your next ice times.  Our Ice Scheduler has been diligent in continuing to keep the schedule as current as possible which has certainly been difficult.

As far as facility regulations go, these are set by the Town of Collingwood through the Local SMDHU (health unit) and not under the control of CMHA.  Please continue to adhere to the set restrictions as they evolve.

At this point, the main restrictions are spectator attendance reduced to 50% which shouldn't be an issue, and changerooms limited to 10 players at a time.  Vaccine checks will continue to be practiced upon entry to facility. 

So the good news, is that kids are back on the ice!  The remainder of time we have before Playdowns can be spent having practices and exhibition games.  Playdowns will continue to be tournament format and the venues/timing stays the same at this point.  OMHA has indicated the season will not be extended beyond current plan.

The Legion Collingwood