Looking for Referees for Collingwood Minor Hockey, News (Collingwood Minor Hockey)

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Dec 06, 2021 | Nancy Bain | 710 views
Looking for Referees for Collingwood Minor Hockey
Must be 14 years of age, cost of course will be reimbursed

The first step to the Entry Level clinic is the HU - ONLINE Officiating 1/2, which is a prerequisite,and must be completed prior to registering for any stand-alone OMHA Entry Level clinic.

Failure to complete the HU - ONLINE Officiating 1 / 2 course prior will NOT allow a participant to register for any of these clinics.

Before registering you must also complete Respect in Sport/Activity Leader Program, and for officials who will be 18 and older to get their VSV (Vulnerable Sector Verification) completed as well. As well you must complete HU – Planning a Safe Return to Hockey.

To get started please refer to the link – https://help.omha.net/knowledge/what-courses-do-i-need-to-become-an-official

By clicking on the link, it should help provide you with more information on the required courses and next steps.

We are extremely short officials this year and so there will be lots of games to work should you indeed pursue and get your certification. If you do proceed and become certified, please let Meckenzie Wright know by emailing 
[email protected] and that way, he can begin to schedule you into games.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Meckenzie. Please keep in mind that this is a new process this year and there may be some hiccups. We would also encourage you to spread the word amongst your friends and/or teammates to certify, it is a fun and extremely flexible part time job.
The Legion Collingwood