Registration Information, News (Collingwood Minor Hockey)

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Aug 06, 2021 | David Epp | 534 views
Registration Information
FYI to all Membership.  Registration is open.  Please be patient as Hockey Canada recently implemented a new "HCR2" which we are familiarizing ourselves with. Please click on the associated link on homepage to register.  Continue for the full article to read on important info coming up this season!

The CMHA is working on the Apparel website which will link from the CMHA homepage.  Exciting stuff to come! 

With the new Rebranding process we have also experienced some challenges... and yet overcome them.  While new socks were going to be half price, they are now complimentary by CMHA for all players starting in the 2021-22 season.  That is a $50 value for Home and Away socks!  

Also, Players will receive a free T-Shirt with this years sign-up.  The swag is looking really good!

So please sign up asap so we can better determine registration numbers and firm up cohorts and tournaments.  We are all looking forward to a normal season for the kids!

Dave Epp, Vice Pres CMHA

The Legion Collingwood