Collingwood concludes it 2020-21 hockey season, News (Collingwood Minor Hockey)

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Feb 28, 2021 | David Epp | 914 views
Collingwood concludes it 2020-21 hockey season
From: President Chris Potts

To: CMHA Players and Families.    

It is with mixed emotions that I write this today to notify you that as of 12am Monday March 1st 2021 Collingwood Minor Hockey will be ending the hockey season due to the Covid 19 Pandemic and the uncertainty that we are faced with.  

I would like to thank all players and families for their support as we worked hard behind the scenes to try and keep all players on the ice.

At this time my upmost appreciation goes out to the Collingwood Minor Hockey executive and board of directors for the dedication and hard work, the amount of hours that were put in to this difficult season is unbelievable and for that you should all be proud of your part in that.  

A special heartwarming thanks goes out to out Return to Play Team, Dave Epp and John Elmes, the time and effort that you both put in will go down in history as something I know I will always appreciate and know that all the families in our association appreciate as well. You both went above and beyond for everyone and for that hats off to both of you.  

A special thanks to The Town of Collingwood, especially Darin Potts for the continued communication, while we faced the rollercoaster ride throughout the year, the support the Town of Collingwood showed and the process they put in place was as smooth as it could be and for that we thank all Town staff.  

To all Collingwood Minor Hockey Families, we are currently finalizing a refund schedule, we are hoping to have that process complete by no later then Sunday March 7, 2021. Please allow the executive some time to complete that.  

As your President I personally thank you all for your support, leading an association through these difficult times is something that one would never want to experience, however with the positive membership that we have it has been a pleasure once again to serve as your President and hope that I can continue to serve for years to come.  

Please note that we will be posting information on the Annual General Meeting after the executive complete the March Meeting.  

On behalf of the Collingwood Minor Hockey Association, I hope you all stay safe and hope to see you next season.    

Thank You    

Chris Potts
Collingwood Minor Hockey
The Legion Collingwood