Feb 15, 2021 | David Epp | 757 views
Return to Hockey - 2nd Edition
Hi CMHA membership,
Since the Province's most recent announcement, the CMHA Board of Directors have met and decided on the following plan...
We will continue to endeavour to provide Hockey to our Youth within Provincial guidelines whenever possible!
Hockey will start up this Wednesday, February 17th.
This will include every cohort with the exception of CHIPS due to limitations on Coaches.
We will be operating within the "Red Zone" and therefore Practices only. The same protective protocol will be followed when we were in this zone before the lockdown.
ie. 10 skaters on ice, plus Coach and Trainer, no Change rooms, 1 parent per child to supervise
You will begin to see ice times pop up on the calander with at least 1 practice per week under our available ice time. Currently we will be operating out of Central Park arena only.
What comes next?
Our hope is that after these initial 2 weeks, SMDHU with the TOC and CMHA will transition to "Orange Zone" and game play will begin again. Effectively we would begin the 2nd half to the season and play 3v3 and 4v4 in March and April. Kids would be on the ice 2-3 times per week. We would end the season no later than May 1st.
So thank you to all the families who have reached out to support CMHA's plan to continue with hockey by extending the season and continue giving our kids sport and exercise.