Dec 11, 2020 | David Epp | 1001 views
Red Zone update
Hi CMHA families,
A couple hours ago the SMDHU changed from Orange zone to Red zone. This comes into effect Monday at 12:01am. What does this mean? There is to be no gameplay or scrimmages during the 28 day Red zone minimum ending January 11th. Practices are allowed but with reduced numbers.
I have received confirmation that we ARE allowed 10 skaters on ice, and that the Coach and Trainer to NOT count within this maximum. Also exempt from this cap is facility staff. Parents/Guardians supervising younger children are allowed to stay however changerooms will be out of bounds again. At this point, we are endeavoring to maximize the ice time for all age groups depending on availability. Keep in mind there will be a significant reduction in ice sessions because of the number restriction. We may have only Central Park arena as well if Eddie Bush is closed.
We have had much success over the last 3 months and done way better than most centres. If there is a silver lining is that this has occured over the holidays when were planning our 2 week break anyway. So stay hopeful over the holidays that come January 11th, we can return to the Orange zone with game play resuming, etc. More updates will post as we have them.