Christmas BLUES Hockey Camps, News (Collingwood Minor Hockey)

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Nov 21, 2020 | David Epp | 1404 views
Christmas BLUES Hockey Camps
Hi everyone,

The Blues (with Head Coach Rob Bentivegna) will be running two three-day skills sessions over the holiday break.  Info is below and you can select a time that works best for your holiday plans (it needs to be the same time each week).  All skates are at Eddie Bush Arena.

Week 1: Mon. Dec. 21-Wed. Dec. 23:  Register Here:

Week 2: Mon. Dec. 28-Wed. Dec. 30:  Register Here:

Each week consists of three groups (of various ages)
Group 1: 10:00 - 11:00am
Group 2: 11:10 - 12:10pm
Group 3: 12:20pm - 1:20pm
Cost is $75 + HST ($9.75) = $84.75 for each week (180 mins of on ice)

Please send payment through e-transfer to [email protected]
Make password:  hockey
Put your child's name in the message box.
Max of 22 players per ice time.  
Registration closes Friday, December 18, 2020 at 12pm (noon) or when registration is full (whichever is sooner).

This camp is not intended for goalies, unless they want to work on their skating.
Players will need a facemask upon entering and exiting the arena (but not on the ice).
Players will need full equipment including a jersey for these skill sessions.
Players will need to bring their own water bottle.
As of right now, the dressing rooms are available for players to get ready (however, that could possibly change)

Mike Tarantino
General Manager
Collingwood Blues Junior A Hockey Club96
Hurontario St, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4H5
[email protected]
Twitter:  @CwoodbluesJrA
Instagram:  cwoodbluesjra
The Legion Collingwood