Spectators in the Rink - Great news!, News (Collingwood Minor Hockey)

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Sep 24, 2020 | David Epp | 686 views
Spectators in the Rink - Great news!
News Flash!  Spectators are allowed in the Rink as of Monday September 28th.  1:1 ratio as we have been broadcasting.  Now this is a PILOT program for 1 week to see how things run before a permanent solution is in place.  The CMHA and TOC are asking the following of Parents....

-1 parent/guardian per player is permitted (no siblings)
-Parent/guardian must remain at their players station during the ice time (no moving around the building)         
-Players may show up 10 minutes FULL DRESSED before their ice time
-Group leaving the ice MUST exit the facility through the nearest exit immediately after their ice time (No Loitering) 

Please adhere to these requests as we would like to move forward with a permanent arrangement.  If these requests are not followed, the TOC may back off allowing Spectators, which nobody wants!!

Lastly for Initiation/Novice Families, we are slotting 45 min games to allow for 15 min of gear and de-gear stations.

Best, Dave Epp