Sep 24, 2020 | David Epp | 534 views
Organization Calendar
As we confirm our ice schedule with the Town and fine tune ice sessions, the calendar is not perfect and so please be patient as ice times change. If you are not aware, please note the following:
1. Last year our registration was 410 and this year we are at 360 which is miles better than most centres. We are doing great in that regard.
2. OMHA has capped our teams to 10 players with bubbles of 50. That means we have 30 teams instead of 20 demanding ice. Or 50% more demand.
3. The TOC has only Central Park open at this time which means 50% less ice surface to book. This also makes it challenging.
Our Ice Scheduler is working hard to make it best for all teams across the board. Please understand that there is only so much ice to obtained. We have to accommodate all age groups from U7-U18 equally. As we get familiar with the numbers and team scheduling conflicts, we will endeavour to keep things as consistent as possible for all cohorts.
Now as you see notifications roll up on your phone or email, don't panic bc things are changing daily depending on ice availability, team requests, etc. The calendar is subject to change just like every other year. Please stay flexible for the next couple months and once December rolls around, we hope to be in a better position.
Lastly, thank you to all who have remained positive and complimentary through this time, the Board appreciates it.