Midget Tier 2 Coaches needed !!, News (Collingwood Minor Hockey)

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Sep 21, 2020 | David Epp | 424 views
Midget Tier 2 Coaches needed !!
Hi Everyone, We still need Tier 2 Midget Coaches for 3 teams !  Please if you know of someone interested and either has their Coach certification or willing to get it, it doesn't get any easier than this year!!  There is no on-site course, it is online only.  Coaches who get this certification get reimbursed by CMHA.  Midgets are looking at only a few practices to start the season then it will be largely game play the entire season.  So as far as preparing detailed practice plans, the Coach would not need to worry.  Email me ASAP if so.  [email protected]

The Legion Collingwood