Return to Hockey framework, News (Collingwood Minor Hockey)

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Sep 08, 2020 | Dave Epp | 1108 views
Return to Hockey framework
Hi CMHA, please see the RTH framework so you know what to expect when back at the rink!!  See attached on next page...

Collingwood Minor Hockey Association - Return to Hockey Framework


·      The safety plan attached herein

·      If the Town of Collingwood approves 1 Parent: 1 Child in arena, Parents should understand the importance to enter / exit the facility in an expedient manner.  This is critical so that 1 user group may exit before the next one enters in keeping with Province of Ontario indoor numbers <50.  This allows the Facility staff to sanitize properly b/w sessions

·      Further the Parents should respectfully stay in the designated stations while observing child on ice while exercising PPE measures

·      An approved health questionnaire completed each ice session

·      An approved contact tracing sheet completed each ice session

·      Certificate of Validation (confirms the minor hockey association plan has been approved by the OHF)

·      Certificate of Insurance (confirms the minor hockey association is insured with BFL Insurance under Hockey Canada)

·      The Coaches who are certified to offer instruction have reviewed the framework and safety plan and hold copies of both certificates



·      Coach to have reviewed the following Hockey Canada safety guidelines, see attached link


·      Coach to have reviewed the current Ontario Hockey Federation framework, see attached link


·      Coach to complete the new Safe Return to Hockey course:


·      Coach to review the Town of Collingwood “Return to Play” document


·      Coach should have in his/her possession, as provided by CMHA:

Certificate of Validation

Certificate of Insurance





a.     If Player is experiencing any signs or symptoms of illness, do not attend

b.     Ensure the Player has a mask for entry / exit of the arena

c.     Player may arrive fully dressed in hockey equipment or change in the parking lot





a.     Please arrive no more than 15 mins early for the session

b.     Families of Players should understand to maintain proper distancing in parking lot and use hand sanitizer at appropriate times

c.     If Player is not fully dressed upon arrival, he/she can do so in parking lot

d.     Players to see their Coach and complete Health Screening and Contact Tracing paperwork before advancing to change stations

e.     The OMHA certified Coach should be on site with the Health Screening Questionnaire and Session Participation Tracking forms to be completed






a.     The Player should be in all hockey equipment with the option of bringing skates, gloves, helmet, neck guard, mouth guard within their hockey bag.  Player will carry their hockey bag into facility with all remaining required equipment.  

b.     Skates may be worn upon entry/exit of facility with skate guards on.  Should the Player require a single Parent/Guardian to assist with skates, they may enter with player and assist with equipment in order to ensure Players safety on ice.

c.     Parents should enter the facility in an expeditious fashion to ensure timely attendance on ice while keeping the indoor number under 50

d.     It is the recommendation by CMHA the use of “2 ZONES”.  “A” Zone would be the North side of ice surface and “B” Zone would be on the South side of ice surface.  It is suggested that each zone alternate ice sessions thereby facilitating sanitization by facility staff. 

e.     It is recommended that 1 Parent is allowed to remain in the facility while exercising proper distancing and masking guidelines from local PHU. Upon TOC approval 1 Parent per Player may be allowed but follow face covering and distancing measures.  There will be assigned stations for the Parents to spectate from each either A or B zone.  They are to remain in these stations to allow for efficient sanitization b/w ice sessions by the TOC.  Exception is for washroom facility.

f.      CMHA recommends rubber matting on South side (B zone) to facilitate players with skates being worn

g.     CMHA recommends a grandstand to be used on the North Side “A” for Parents to facilitate viewing while reducing surface contact at the glass

h.     Player to wear face covering while entering the facility.   Outdoor footwear is allowed upon entry/exit.  These items to be deposited into hockey bag when taken off. 

i.      The Players hockey bag is to be used as the primary contact on the floor of the facility, with all their personal items being contained within it

j.      Follow all facility guidelines for designated staging area prior to entry on to ice surface.  Use the designated Player chairs and maintain proper spacing.

k.     If hand sanitizing stations are provided and available, please instruct Players to use them pre and post ice session

l.      There is no access to change rooms or showers at this time, and is subject to change at sole discretion of the facility of the Town of Collingwood




a.     Please expect the Player to understand the ice sessions are for development only at this time.  The OHF requires minimum of 2 weeks of development skating only ensuring physical distancing before any game play to be approved.

b.     CMHA recommends 1 Parent is able to be present for observation purposes, not as spectating, however this must comply with Town of Collingwood framework

c.     Ice sessions run by the OMHA certified Coach will need to follow physical distancing protocol.  No masks or full visors are required while on ice.

d.     Players may bring a water bottle to the bench however the bottles shall be spaced properly and no sharing of water bottles is allowed.  Bottles shall be properly labelled with player’s name

e.     No spitting or nose blowing without a tissue going into proper disposal container while in the facility

f.      While accessing the bench, please ensure Players are following best practice physical distancing

g.     During game play, should the spacing be inadequate to house 6 players on the bench, then the overflow shall wait outside of bench area accessing the bench door

h.     Each Coach should ensure they have a safety plan for reporting illness signs or symptoms for any Player and also have a first aid kit on hand








a.     Exit from ice using the same designated door and route.  Follow facility guidelines changing out of hockey equipment using the same change station that was used pre-session.

b.     Skates, Gloves, Helmet to go back into hockey bag, once again the hockey bag being the only item in contact with the floor. 

c.     No personal items are to be left at the change stations.  Should items be left, they will not be kept in lost and found, but rather disposed of by facility staff

d.     Exit from the Facility should be according to facility plan and use of designated route

e.     Parents need to understand to exit facility expeditiously so that next user group may enter while keeping the indoor numbers under 50.  Please use the designated route provided

f.      Should any Player be experiencing signs or symptoms of illness upon completion of the ice session, the Parent/Guardian shall be notified and contact the local Public Health Unit

g.     Should illness be present, Player should seek immediate medical attention and Coach makes appropriate notifications based on local PHU recommendations

Location: Georgian Bay Family Health Team, 186 Erie Street Medical Building (parking lot), Collingwood

Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

If you have been directed to an assessment centre by your family physician, NP, or Public Health, or by the Ministry of Health COVID-19 self-assessment tool, follow one of these steps to book an appointment: 

  • Call 705-444-5885 to speak to one of our team members
  • Visit and click “Get on Waitlist” button.




a.      The Player can be greeted by Parent/Guardian at the approved exit location

b.     Player is able to change out of hockey equipment in parking lot as was done pre ice session

c.     Please the Town of Collingwood asks that there is no loitering in the parking lot, so that other ice users may have appropriate spacing for their session

