Blues Skill Development Sessions !!, News (Collingwood Minor Hockey)

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Aug 27, 2020 | Dave Epp | 724 views
Blues Skill Development Sessions !!
Hi CMHA Members !
We are supporting the Collingwood Blues Skills sessions coming up on 4 Saturdays in Sep/Oct. The time per age group is to be determined dependant upon registration numbers.  It will be sometime b/w 8am-4pm.  The Cost is $80. We are encouraging kids who are U9 (Novice), U11 (Atom), U13 (Peewee), U15 (Bantam) to sign up for these while we are waiting for minor hockey to get official word.  There has been positive feedback from the Blues Summer camps and we look forward to more great instruction on these Saturday Skills sessions. Please open the link to register...
Dave Epp

The Legion Collingwood